
Edelweiss MKM Ltd. is an agency for professional verbal and written translation services. Based on the contract signed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs № 17PR-2045 /  November 17, 2017, we provide official translation and assistance for legalization of all types of Bulgarian and foreign documents. The company has 5 representative offices throughout the country where you can submit your documents or use our online ordering form.
Strict quality control is guaranteed by the implemented system for project management, which is regularly monitored by independent auditors, but the most important sign of the quality of our work is the satisfaction of our customers and the recommendations we receive by them

Why choosing a professional agency for your translations?

Because we work with a team of linguists, with proven experience and specialization in all fields. We apply our own methods and procedures for evaluation and approval of the specialists to whom we assign translations. We can execute large projects within short periods, and our experience in the management of projects with different volume and complexity levels saves you money, time and efforts.

Our main motto –We translate, you succeed!Our main motto –We translate, you succeed!

You can rely on us when you need translation, localization, and copywriting in order to provide you with comprehensive and quality service. The core of our business is striving to make the life of every private and corporate client easier. Thus, before starting a project, we provide consultation and coordinate very carefully the terms and requirements, in order to guarantee maximum satisfaction of our clients.


We conduct careful analysis of the texts, the file format, graphic design, we select the most appropriate translator or a team of translators and carefully monitor for strict compliance with the project requirements. Each project undergoes factual revision and careful review before delivery to the client, in order to guarantee compliance with their needs and requirements.

When you need legalization of your documents we consult you how to prepare the documents, what type of certification they should undergo, how to go through the process in the easiest, quickest and cheapest manner. We cooperate in case of any problems with different institutions and authorities, based on our rich experience and contacts with them.

The best translation service ….. is the one you don’t notice in your everyday life

It is a compliment for us if our clients don’t have a particular reason to make any special remarks for the service we provide. When terms are complied with, translations are correct and the trust is strengthened with each following order – that is a sufficient stimulus to continue developing and modernizing the way in which we make business.


That’s why we introduce ourselves to you and look for paths leading to a stable partnership, where you do not worry for your translations and are able to concentrate on your success. And your success is part of ours too – our motto “We translate, you succeed” in a short, but definitive manner summarizes our business philosophy – client oriented, focused on quality.

We try to see into the future of our business

Бизнес средата се развива много динамично и от опит знаем, че това, което днес е добър стандарт, утре вероятно ще бъде недостатъчно, за да се чувствате сигурни и уверени в своите преводи. Затова непрекъснато търсим начини да подобрим услугите, които предоставяме и да приложим успешните модели, без това непременно да Ви струва допълнителни средства. Затова, в допълнение към превода, Ви предлагаме комплексна езикова услуга, съобразно Вашите нужди, която може да включва допълнителна редакция на вече преведен текст, локализация, копирайтинг, оптимизация и др.


Работим с утвърдени и одобрени от нас специалисти, с които да бъдете максимално защитени от неточности в преводите и допълнителните услуги, които предлагаме.

Специализираният софтуер SDL TRADOS STUDIO ни помага да изпълняваме обемни поръчки в кратки срокове, да създаваме преводна „памет“ и терминологична база данни, което ускорява преводния процес и предпазва от неточности. Можем също да използваме специфичната и предпочитана от Вас терминология – достатъчно е само да ни я зададете.

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0898 531 536

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4400 Пазарджик, Бул.”Ген. Гурко”,№ 10, вх.А, партер